Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tag Explanation

Now, tags are an untried blogging tool, one that I am prone to neglecting. So, to aid the reader and to remind myself, here are an explanation of the blogs' tags (as of writing), in alphabetical order:

  • drivel: An essentially pointless post that I decided to post anyway, more on a whim than a logical decision.
  • humor: An attempt at humor. Whether it actually is humorous is debatable.
  • interactive fiction: Posts that relate to interactive fiction (which I dabble in occasionally). Don't hold your breath for new posts.
  • internet: Posts that relate to the Internet in general.
  • news: Sometimes I take news topics and react to them. These are those.
  • pet tamers: My ongoing-and-offgoing parody of a kids' show.
  • rant: Me whining about stuff I don't like.
  • review: A post that gives my opinion on something, and pros and cons. Does not usually intersect with "rant", because a rant is typically an unfair treatment, and a review is.
  • script: A story that is in script format. They don't actually follow the proper rules for writing scripts, and there's only one story that currently follows the format, but the format stands out strong enough to get its own tag.
  • sims 3: A post about Sims 3. Currently used for my Mal and Belle series.
  • story: A post that tells a story. Duh.
  • tag explanation: This post. If I add in enough additional posts, I might throw in another tag explanation.
  • thoughts: Philosophy, musings, questions, all the stuff every unfunny blog has. This usually contains all the stuff I could never work into anything else, and usually has a "drivel" tag.

Please, feel free to click on them on the right-hand side of the blog and explore this blog as you wish.

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