Saturday, August 1, 2009

To a noteworthy Sims 3 story

Last Monday, Robin Burkinshaw announced that Alice and Kev was getting to be too much of a hassle, that it was slowing him down from getting any other projects done, and that the pressure of having hundreds of fans was getting to him.

The sad part is, I've seen this cycle happen before. I've even gone through it myself. Someone announces that they're just going to take a quick break to refresh themselves, that they're sure to return sometime soon, and that's the last you hear of them. They just never become comfortable with returning to their project. The memory of guilt lingers on.

Fortunately, fame and infamy haven't shamed me yet, so let's have another update on Mal and Bella.

Mal stands before the scientist, intrigued by her bold display of feminism.

We left Bella standing on the porch, talking with someone. Mal apparently noticed and decided to chat with the scientist about fame.

Unbeknownst to Jody, Mal is already concocting a magnificent plan to use Jody's scientific interest to craft her own downfall.

Mal, however, seems bored by this scientist's enthusiasm for insects.

Mal wonders whether the house could be turned into a rocket ship. That would be awesome.

So while he contemplates rocket ships, the scientist and the unawesome man share a sudden moment of intimacy.

No sooner does he walk inside, however, that he comes face to face with Bella.

What does the LL in Belle stand for? Lowsy loser? Low-life? Limp lungfish? Loud laugh?

Congratulations, Mal! You've won a home! And you've won me, as well!

She asks what he thinks of their new house.

When Belle cries, her tears are diamond-shaped. They get stuck in her tear duct and blind her.

Perhaps they could decorate this place with gems and jewels.

No house is complete without caskets of plutonium!

Mal has bigger plans, though.

Mal's thoughts are intercepted by walls!

Bella is naturally repulsed by this idea.

You know, Mal, that barren wall behind you could use with some glowiness. Buy some fluorescent markers and go wild!

Mal thinks he's found the perfect subject to irradiate right now.

Both evil men and good women enjoy watching burly men clobber each other.

Mal sits down to watch some football. I imagine Belle's just joining him so she has something to do.

What's with the wooden arms on the couch? Did they run out of carpeting to tack onto the couch?

Mal comments that this is indeed a nice house.

Sparkly friendship points!

Belle is so happy that he agrees with her. Mal's stomach sinks.

Double sparkly friendship points!

Belle looks dreamily into space, while Mal curses himself for saying something nice.

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