Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Text Comic

This week, I've been working at the secretary's office at the county fairgrounds, as I have been for the past 4 or 5 summers. Yet despite the fact that I might have more job potential than data entry, I love working there. I get such a euphoria from hammering away at the keys, typing stuff into the computer. Could be something to do with my autism.

There are many perks. The building is air-conditioned, I'm on good terms with my boss, there's plenty of free time but plenty of work to even it out, and I work with two good-looking girls my age. Not that I care for those girls at all, mind you, but it's good to have similarly aged coworkers.

Anyways, I was bored one day, and I started playing with Word. And I eventually wound up with this piece, a text-based comic made with Courier New and Webdings:


I tried uploading it as text, but it wouldn't work. Web browsers and blogs handle text in a very "special" manner. The Courier print doesn't line up perfectly, and the Webdings are tricky to fit in. If I was patient enough, and I fiddled with the HTML code long enough (and knew more HTML coding), I could probably get it to work. But until Blogger decides to host Word documents, sorry.

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